Category: Psalms (Page 1 of 3)

Psalm 43 | Finding Hope in the Darkness

When was the last time you longed for or desired to be vindicated or declared innocent? When was the last time you longed for protection from something or someone? When was the last time you longed for full deliverance from something that was afflicting you? When was the last time you found yourself seeking shelter from all that is unholy in this world or all that is unholy within you?

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Psalm 36 | Depending on God’s Steadfast Love

Psalm 36 is a confession of sin and faith with a prayer for God to continue pouring out his love on his people.2 In our culture, it is common to downplay the reality of our sin as we reconstruct God into a being who isn’t bothered by our rebellion. But David knows better. God is bothered by our sin and he calls us to trust in his steadfast love as we confess our sin to him.

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Psalm 35 | Calling, Trusting, Rejoicing

Psalm 35 is typically referred to as an imprecatory Psalm or a cursing Psalm.2 In this Psalm, King David literally curses his enemies, complains about his enemies, prays for God to annihilate his enemies, and then, he praises God for his promises of justice and judgment against wickedness and evil.3

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Psalm 34 | Sing and Learn

In what ways have you experienced the goodness of God in your life? And, in what ways are you longing to experience the goodness of God? When I think about the ways that I have experienced the goodness of God, I think of how he called me to himself, revealed the work of Christ on behalf, and opened my heart to receive and believe the message of the gospel for salvation at the end of a 48mph SUV bumper.

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Psalm 32 | Forgiveness

Forgiveness is the heart of the gospel. The gospel is the good news that Jesus came to this earth to live the perfect life, to die a horrible death on a cross as the perfect substitute for filthy, rotten, rebellious, sinners just like you and me, to leave the tomb empty on the third day, and to leave us with the promise of eternity in Heaven, so that, by faith, you and I could receive full forgiveness (a full pardon) for our sins against God.

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