One of the central truths of Christianity is this truth that Jesus died on the cross so that the gift of life could be made available. When I think of the word “impact” I think of Bruce Lee.

You might find this funny, and you might not be a fan of Bruce Lee, but no one can deny the truth that Bruce Lee made a huge impact in the world of martial arts, philosophy, cinema and even politics. Bruce Lee’s impact on the world of martial arts with his creation of Jeet Kung Do, which was his own interpretation of Kung Fu, and the impact of his infamous “One Inch Punch” stretched across the globe.


That’s the kind of impact that this passage is meant to have on us. And as I think about the meaning of this passage, I’m struck with the impact of Jesus’ death and the gift of life that is available to us. One of the central truths of Christianity is this truth that Jesus died on the cross so that the gift of life could be made available. You might hear this and you might not believe this is true. Or maybe you hear this and you do believe this is true. Regardless of where you land on this today, the cross of Christ impacts your life. The cross of Christ impacts your spiritual life, your personal life and your public life. That’s the question for us today. How does the cross of Christ impact our spiritual lives, our personal lives and our public lives?


Take a look at Luke 23:44 – 49 with me…

44 It was now about the sixth hour, and there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour, 45 while the sun’s light failed. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two. 46 Then Jesus, calling out with a loud voice, said, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!” And having said this he breathed his last. 47 Now when the centurion saw what had taken place, he praised God, saying, “Certainly this man was innocent!” 48 And all the crowds that had assembled for this spectacle, when they saw what had taken place, returned home beating their breasts. 49 And all his acquaintances and the women who had followed him from Galilee stood at a distance watching these things.


What’s happening in this passage?

There are two major movements in our text today. Jesus dies on the cross and the gift of life is made available to a bunch of people. So I want to approach this passage under those two headings. I want us to consider the impact of what happened when Jesus’ died on the cross. And I also want us to consider the impact of the gift of life that has been made available to us.


#1. It’s the darkest moment in human history… (44)

There have been many dark moments throughout human history where the powers of darkness have prevailed in horrific ways. I think of the Holocaust, mass genocide, terrorist attacks; unthinkable crimes of rape and murder of helpless people and the list could go on and on. But when I stop and think about the message of the Bible in its entirety, I’m reminded that the darkest moment of human history was when Jesus died on the cross of Calvary. This was not only the darkest moment, because the sun stopped shining for three hours at mid day, it was the darkest moment because every sin from the most unthinkable crime to the most culturally excused mistakes were lumped together and placed on Jesus. The day that the Son of God died was the day that the sun stopped shining. The day that Jesus died was the darkest moment in all of human history.


#2. The curtain in the temple gets torn in half… (45)

We have to understand that this curtain stretched 30 feet high by 30 feet wide and it was nearly an inch thick. This curtain was hung in the temple to separate the back room of God’s presence from the front room of public gathering. And, once every year on this exact day, a priest with a bucket of blood would enter into that back room of God’s presence so that he could offer a sacrifice for the sins of the people who were assembled in the front room. This curtain represents the separation that exists between God and us because of our sin and it also reminds us that the payment for our sin has been paid through Christ’s blood. Jesus’ blood was shed at the cross and his blood has destroyed the sin that separates us from our Father in Heaven. Now, we are able to come into the back room of God’s presence because of Jesus’ death at the cross. The curtain of the temple was torn in half at the very moment when Jesus died. And when that curtain was torn in two it was a divine demonstration of God’s power, mercy, love, grace and salvation for us as God destroyed the penalty, the presence and the power of sin that separated us from him. In the midst of the darkest moment in human history there is a light shining through the darkness that reminds us that Jesus has destroyed our greatest enemies. Jesus has destroyed the power and the presence of Satan, sin and death. We can come boldly into the presence of our Father in heaven because the curtain that separated us has been destroyed. Ripped in two. Shredded to pieces.


#3. Jesus dies in complete dependence upon his Father… (46)

In the dark hours of Jesus’ horrific and painful death; when everything seemed to be out of control; when there seemed to be no words of comfort or reason; when the powers of hell seemed to be winning; Jesus dies in complete control of his destiny, resting in absolute dependence upon his Father. Luke tells us that “Jesus, calling out with a loud voice, said, ‘Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!’ And having said this he breathed his last.” This is a picture of absolute control in the midst of horrific darkness. It’s a picture of complete dependence upon God in the midst of pain and loneliness and fear. Every breathe of Jesus’ life was breathed in complete dependence upon his Father and now in his death he surrendered his spirit, his final breath and his life’s work into his Father’s care.


What kind of good can come out of death? What kind of blessing can come out of pain? What kind of purpose can come from such a dark day? The only answer that is worthy of the suffering that Jesus endured is that Jesus died on that cross so that the gift of life could be made available. But what kind of people can receive the gift of life?


#1. The gift of life is made available: To a Roman centurion… (47)

Luke tells us that, “when the centurion saw what had taken place, he praised God, saying, ‘Certainly this man was innocent!’” This Roman centurion was no innocent bystander. He wasn’t just a soldier at home on leave that happened to see a public execution. This centurion was the man who directly supervised the public beating and humiliation and crucifixion and death of Jesus. He was the boss who pulled the trigger. He was a vicious man who called the shots of this public execution. And yet something happened in the final moments of Jesus’ life and this evil man was broken in two. His heart of stone was replaced with a heart of flesh. His desire to abuse Jesus was changed into a desire to praise God and proclaim Christ’s innocence. He was instantly adopted from the family of Jesus’ enemies and placed into the family of God. The gift of life was made available to this Roman centurion through Christ’s death and his response was praise and proclamation.


#2. The gift of life is made available: To a large crowd of spectators… (48)

All throughout the ages, people have gathered for public events. And the death of Jesus at the cross of Calvary was no different. And Luke tells us that, “all the crowds that had assembled for this spectacle, when they saw what had taken place, returned home beating their breasts.” The gift of life was made available to this large crowd of spectators and instead of being entertained by this big public event, they were cut to the core and they went home broken by what they had experienced on the hill of death that day. When the gift of life is made available by the death of Jesus, large crowds of people respond in brokenness because of their encounter with Christ.


#3. The gift of life is made available: To a group of Jesus’ followers… (49)

The death of Jesus doesn’t just impact his most terrifying enemies like the Roman centurion. Jesus’ death doesn’t just impact large crowds who gather for public entertainment. Jesus’ death has a profound impact upon every person who follows him. Luke tells us that, “all his acquaintances and the women who had followed him from Galilee stood at a distance watching these things.” In other words, Jesus’ followers watched as he died on the cross so that the gift of life could be made available to anyone who would follow him. This moment for Jesus’ followers must have been deeply confirming. Maybe they remembered the words of Jesus when he said, “The Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed… Let these words sink into your ears: The Son of Man is about to be delivered into the hands of men… Everything that is written about the Son of Man by the prophets will be accomplished. For he will be delivered over to the Gentiles and will be mocked and shamefully treated and spit upon. And after flogging him, they will kill him.” (Lk. 9:22; 44; 18:31-33)


Can you imagine the impact this moment would have had on this group of Jesus’ followers? Can you imagine the impact of this moment, as the gift of life was made available through Jesus’ death at the cross? The gift of life is made available to everyone who follows Jesus.


#1: How does the cross impact your struggle with shame, guilt, fear & sin?

Shame, guilt, fear and sin are powerful motivators and Satan uses all of these motivators to keep us separated from God. Think of how ashamed, guilty and fearful the Roman Centurion might have felt. Or consider how ashamed, guilty and fearful the priests in the temple might have felt when they realized what was happening when the curtain was torn in two. When you realize how bad your sin is… when you lose it on your kids… when you give into lust… when you fall into self-loathing… does your shame take over? Does your guilt drive you back to more sin? Do you fear that you’re going to be found out? Or do you run to the back room of the presence of God through confession, prayer, obedience to the gospel, praise and proclamation? Jesus died on the cross so that the gift of life could be made available.


How will the cross of Christ impact your spiritual life moving forward?


#2: How does the cross impact your pursuit of relationships & possessions?

Think about the darkest moments of your personal life. When there seems to be no hope… when it feels like the powers of hell are winning… when it seems like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel… when that relationship is falling apart… when your finances are in ruins… when your kids are off their rocker… when your marriage is struggling… when the car breaks down? In these dark moments… do you remember that even on the day when the Son of God died and the sun stopped shining… there was a bright light at the end of the tunnel? Jesus died on the cross so that the gift of life could be made available. He beat the darkest powers of Satan, sin and death.


How will the cross of Christ impact your personal life moving forward?


#3: How does the cross impact your involvement with public events & your job?

There were people gathered on this day for public entertainment at the expense of the horrific suffering of the Son of God. Some of these people even held vocational positions that required them to sin against God. And yet… the impact of this day caused many people to repent and believe and receive the gift of true life. Has the cross of Christ impacted your public life to the extent that your involvement with public events and your job looks different somehow? Jesus died on the cross so that the gift of life could be made available.


How will the cross of Christ impact your public life moving forward?


Concluding Thoughts…

As I wrap this up, I want to remind us that Jesus died on the cross so that the gift of life could be made available. You might hear this and you might not believe this is true. Or maybe you hear this and you do believe this is true. Regardless of where you land on this today, the cross of Christ impacts your life. The cross of Christ impacts your spiritual life, your personal life and your public life. The question is; how will the cross of Christ impact your life moving forward?