Our Father in Heaven hears our prayers. There is nothing too big, too complicated or too insignificant for our Heavenly Father. He loves to answer our prayers and requests.

We want to become people who grow deep in our understanding and application of the gospel especially in our prayer lives…

Spend some time praying according to the G.O.S.P.E.L. points below:

  1. God created us to be with him: Express your gratitude to the Lord for his work in creating you as the crowning jewel of his creation…
  2. Our sin separates us from God: Confess any known sin and ask for forgiveness…
  3. Sin cannot be paid for by good deeds: Confess any of the ways you have tried to cover your sin by doing good things…
  4. Paying the price for sin Jesus died and rose again: Ask the Lord to help you trust in Jesus’ life, death and resurrection…
  5. Everyone who trusts in Jesus will have eternal life: Ask the Father to help you hope and trust in the promises of Heaven…
  6. Life eternal begins now and lasts forever: Think about eternity and express worship and praise through prayer in light of this truth…

Close by praying for the gospel to become deeply rooted in your relationships throughout your family, church family and community…