Author: joemarino (Page 15 of 50)

1 Peter 2:12 – 25 | Following in the Footsteps of Jesus

What do you think it means to follow in the footsteps of Jesus? You do not need to be a rocket scientist to interpret what Peter’s instructions are in this text. His instructions are simple: Follow in Christ’s footsteps. Practice honorable conduct. Submit to human government. Do good in the sight of God and men. Submit to unjust masters. When in doubt, follow the example of Christ. Why? Because, if you are a Christian, then Jesus has saved you and he continues to watch over your soul.

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1 Peter 2:11 – 12 | The War Against Your Soul

I entitled this message “The War Against Your Soul” because Peter uses a similar phrase in verse 11 of our text. It is no secret that I am a fighter. Most people who know me well know that I do not retreat, surrender or give up without a good reason. When I am under pressure, I can be slow to listen, quick to speak and quick to anger (just the opposite of James 1:19 – 20). This happens when I feel unwanted, cast aside or helpless and it’s an indicator of the war against my soul.

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1 Peter 2:4 – 10 | Special

I want you to think about something special that you own. Maybe it’s something that was given to you or handed down to you or made for you by someone that is special to you. Or maybe the special thing you own is something that resembles a special experience or a special memory in your life; it reminds you of that special season or special memory.

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1 Peter 1:22 – 2:3 | Active Love

Love is an interesting word that can be used to express an emotion or a feeling when we say, “I love that color” or “I love that truck” or “I love that person”. But it can also be used to describe an action when we say, “I will love my spouse until the day that I die” or “I will love my child unconditionally” or “I will love my family and friends with every ounce of my energy”.

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1 Peter 1:6 – 9 | The Trials of this Life

What is the biggest trial you’ve faced recently? What is the hardest thing you’ve walked through? There are a variety of trials and hardships in this life. We all experience things like the ongoing struggle with patterns of sin, the brokenness of relationships, the loss of loved ones to fatal illnesses and the day-to-day difficulty of making ends meet in a broken world.

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1 Peter 1:1 – 2 | Chosen, Outsider, Scattered

When you think about the words that you use to describe yourself, what words come to mind? Recently I woke up to a message on my phone from a friend in Australia who referred to me as: Warrior Son of the Most-High God, Legend and Champion of Champions. I’m not going to lie, the words he used to describe me were shocking and I honestly felt really uncomfortable.

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