What do you want? What do you long for the most? What captures the attention of your heart and mind? In my observation, people will go to great lengths to get what they want.
Continue readingGOSPEL :: FAMILY :: MISSION
What do you want? What do you long for the most? What captures the attention of your heart and mind? In my observation, people will go to great lengths to get what they want.
Continue readingAnything you can do I can do better. These words from a popular song sum up the rat race we call life very well. From the moment we are born to the day we die we are thrust into a race against time with death for a finish line. We feel the pressure of death all around us; it motivates us to work harder, to accomplish more, to achieve success.
Continue readingWhat has been stealing your joy? Joy, is a precious commodity that sometimes seems like a rare treasure.
Continue readingWho do you think of when you think of a godly man? Godly men are hard to find; this is no secret. We live in a world that idolizes immature men who like to pretend to be men. I like to call these pretend men little boys with mustaches who play games and use women and their friends to medicate their insecurities and their pain.
Continue readingWhen was the last time God spoke to you? One of the earliest memories I have of God speaking to me was at the end of the bumper on a Toyota Forerunner in June 2000.
Continue readingPsalm 18 is one of my all-time favorite Psalms. I have found great strength and encouragement by turning to this Psalm in the midst of some of the most difficult seasons of my life.
Continue readingWhen I read this Psalm, I envision a man who is at the end of his rope. He’s had enough, he feels alone, he thinks God has abandoned him, he wonders if his enemies are going to get the last laugh. It’s almost as though he’s having a hard time seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. You’ve probably faced some of these seasons in your life.
Continue readingPsalm chapter 12 is a really dark chapter; it’s gritty and it’s raw and it’s almost repulsive to read at first.
Continue readingFaithful men and women are hard to find. Godly character is in short supply. We live in a celebrity culture that idolizes the lifestyles of the rich and famous.
Continue readingWhat does it take to get under your skin? What lights your fuse? What sets you off? What makes you complain? What is it that causes you to jump into a fruitless argument? As Christians we are called to “let our manner of life – as citizens of Heaven – be worthy of the gospel” (Phil. 1:27).
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