It’s Resurrection Sunday! Easter morning! The tomb is empty! The stone has been rolled away! Death has been conquered! Satan has been defeated! The presence, power and penalty of Sin have been eradicated!
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It’s Resurrection Sunday! Easter morning! The tomb is empty! The stone has been rolled away! Death has been conquered! Satan has been defeated! The presence, power and penalty of Sin have been eradicated!
Continue readingIn the opening verses of John 18 the drama of the arrest, trial and murder of Jesus begins to unfold. Jesus is in the Garden of Gethsemane when Judas the betrayer leads a small army into the garden to arrest Jesus.
Continue readingIn these two stories we see that Jesus is powerful over the forces of nature and he is the light of the world who gives sight to those who have been living in spiritual darkness.
Continue readingIn our two passages today, Jesus heals a lame man and then he feeds a hungry crowd. Both of these stories are filled with the awe and the wonder of the power of Jesus over our pain, our suffering, our fears, our deepest longings and our unsatisfied hungers.
Continue readingIt seems providential to me that we would be diving into a series on the miracles of Jesus in the gospel of John during this season that we find ourselves in here in America.
Continue readingJoshua 24 is the final chapter of the history of Israel’s conquest and possession of the Promised Land under Joshua’s leadership. But it’s more than a story of human conquest; it’s a story of God’s faithfulness to his Word to his people. I think it’s important to do a quick recap of the entire book here before we dive into this final chapter.
Continue readingLast week in Joshua chapter 22 we witnessed Joshua sending the two and a half tribes back over to the west side of the river with a command to love, obey, cling to and serve God wholeheartedly. As these tribes settled in at home they built an altar of remembrance out of their zealous desire to obey this command and ensure that future generations knew about their commitment to the Lord.
Continue readingIn the context of the book of Joshua we have the nation of Israel entering into the Promised Land, conquering her enemies and taking possession of the land (even though she never fully possesses her complete inheritance).
Continue readingJoshua 21 – 22 is a fascinating portion of text (go here to read the passage). The first thing that happens here is the Lord speaks to Joshua and he instructs him to go to the people of Israel and instruct them to designate six cities of refuge for people who commit accidental manslaughter (vss. 1 – 6).
Continue readingThese four-and-a-half chapters of Joshua cover a significant portion of the distribution of the Promised Land to Israel. I have chosen portions of the text to look at today but I would encourage you to read this text in its entirety as you are able. Let’s start in Joshua 15…
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