Author: joemarino (Page 23 of 50)

Romans 8:1 – 17 | No Condemnation Part II

Romans chapter 8 is like healing medicine on infected wounds. God’s Word is like a two edged sword that cuts into the deepest parts of our souls and delivers an injection of the gospel that no other source can provide. It’s like a mirror that shows us our imperfections and helps us to reflect on God’s perfection in the cross of Christ. And Romans chapter 8 is like the most precious of all the medicine in God’s Word because it teaches us that there is therefore, now, no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

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1 Timothy 3:14 – 16 | Your Vision Of Jesus

What is your vision of Jesus right now and how does that vision affect your behavior, your church engagement and your proclamation of Christ? Last week I made the statement that I believe that the church in the western world worships a small vision of Jesus. And my prayer has been that God would reveal to us where our vision of his Son needs to be increased.

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1 Timothy 3:8 – 13 | Deacons

The passage in front of us today is Paul’s second pass as laying out the qualifications for leaders in the church. The first round focused on the role of Elders (3:1 – 7) and this second round focuses on the role of Deacons (3:8 – 13). At first glance both sections appear to be identical and there are many things that are identical in these verses. But there are also many things that are unique to the role of a Deacon in comparison to the role of an Elder. Look at what Paul says…

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1 Timothy 3:1 – 7 | Elders

I’ve always said that the reason we have unqualified leaders in businesses is because there are so many uneducated customers out there. Too many people don’t know what to look for in a qualified business leader. And too many people are willing to skimp on the price of a product, which typically means paying a higher price later. Hiring unqualified employees typically results in devastating losses that cost both the business and the customer dearly.

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1 Timothy 2:8 – 15 | Men and Women

I grew up in a single-parent home with my mom and my sister. My mom was my primary teacher and my sister was one of my best friends. My mom grew up in a home where her father abused her in every way imaginable. My dad left us when I was 5 years old, though later in my teen years he did reconcile with my sister and I as he began to follow the Lord. He also married a really godly lady who has been a huge blessing to our family over the years.

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1 Timothy 1:18 – 20 | Anchored

Your heart needs to be anchored if you’re going to weather the storm. That’s essentially what Paul is saying to Timothy in this passage. He’s saying, hey Timothy, you’ve been entrusted with a responsibility. So pick the right fight. Hold on to the faith and keep a clean conscience while being warned and encouraged by the shipwrecking of others. Your heart needs to be anchored if you’re going to weather the storm, Timothy.

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