Author: joemarino (Page 24 of 50)

1 Timothy 1:8 – 11 | The Law & The Gospel

One of the things that cause my heart to grieve is when I experience a brother or a sister making shipwreck of their faith. And the other thing that causes my heart to grieve is wrestling with the concern or the fear that I too could make shipwreck of my faith. None of us are immune to the threat of becoming a Judas to our Savior and his bride.

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1 Timothy 1:3 – 7 | False Teachers

In these verses Paul comes right out of the gate with an urgent instruction for Timothy and the people in the Ephesian church. His instruction is simple. Timothy and the church are not to tolerate false teachers in their church family. I can feel Paul’s urgency as he instructs Timothy to confront these false teachers. I can feel the urgency when he describes the reasons and the motivation for the confrontation.

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1 Timothy 1:1 – 2 | The Monotony Of The Mundane

I believe that the health and the vitality of the local church rises and falls on her understanding of the promise of the gospel. The only thing that will help you behave in an orderly and godly manner is the promise of the gospel. The only thing that will help you face the monotony of the mundane is the promise of the gospel. The only thing that will give you eternal security is the promise of the gospel. The health and the vitality of the local church rises and falls on her understanding of the promise of the gospel.

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Matthew 2:13 – 23 | The War On Christmas

I love a good fight. I don’t love unhealthy conflict. I don’t like to fight just to fight but I do love a good fight. I don’t like to be defeated.I like to win and I like to be on the winning team. Losing doesn’t seem to be appealing to me. Winning feels like progress. Defeat feels like a slow death.And the Christmas season in all of it’s beauty and all of its sparkle and all of its glitter can bring about a sense of defeat for many people.

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Ephesians 6:21 – 24 | The Conclusion

Sometimes concluding remarks feel like a courteous goodbye or just a random handful of leftover thoughts the author wanted to wrap up with. And so oftentimes we miss the importance of a conclusion. Think about some of the best movie cliff hangers you’ve experienced this last year and how they left you on the edge of your seat wanting more. That’s my prayer for us as we turn our attention to the last four sentences of Paul’s letter to the Ephesian church.

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