When you give your time, your talent and your treasure away you do it because God has made you into a new person and he has made you part of a new family.
Author: joemarino (Page 29 of 50)
How do I pray? This is a question we all ask occasionally. Jesus’ disciples asked this question too.
One of my favorite quotes is that good theology (Godly truth) leads to good doxology (Godly praise). To put it another way, authentic worship flows out of Biblical truth.
We need the truth of God to straighten out our worship disorders. The word worship means: to honor or revere someone as a divine or supernatural being. It means to regard someone with great or extravagant respect, honor or devotion. It means to exalt or adore or treasure or to be satisfied with or to desire someone more than anything else.
I came across this in my devotions this week… Jesus is not concerned about the size of your wallet. He is concerned about the size of your heart.
Sometimes the Holy Spirit gets a bad rap or he becomes like the forgotten person in the Trinitarian Godhead.
The goal of the Christian life is to become more and more like Christ. This is the aim of what Paul writes to the Ephesian church. His aim is that we would become more and more like Christ as we sit securely, walk obediently and stand firmly.
The goal of the Christian life is to become more and more like Christ. This is the aim of what Paul writes to the Ephesian church. His aim is that we would become more and more like Christ as we sit securely, walk obediently and stand firmly.
The theme of multiplication runs throughout the Bible. What cannot be achieved by addition, God does by multiplication. You reap what you sow, only many times more. What you give to the Lord, he multiplies.
One of the great truths of the gospel is that Jesus chose us to belong to him before we chose him to be our Savior.