What does the word “honor” mean? According to the dictionary the word “honor” means to esteem, to respect, to admire, to look up to, to appreciate, to value, to cherish, to adore, to worship or to put someone on a pedestal.
Author: joemarino (Page 30 of 50)
The Scriptures teach us that Jesus will answer our prayers. When we pray in light of whom Jesus is and what he has promised to do he will act on our behalf.
Love is a powerful experience. It’s unlike any other experience because it affects more than just the mind. It affects the heart and the emotions at the deepest levels. The experience of love is like the difference between a great steak and a great marriage.
The kind of love that God has for us is an eternal love that must be experienced. It’s not the kind of love that can be simply outlined. It’s the kind of love that surpasses every outline. Take a minute and read Ephesians 3:14 – 21 and listen to how Paul prays for us to experience the love of Christ.
Have you ever received a promotion at a job before? That can be an exciting day right? A day filled with happiness. A day of promotion is a day of affirmation for a job well done. But it’s also a day where you receive more responsibility right? It’s the kind of day we see in the passage we are looking at today.
Job was a man who suffered a lot. He was a very righteous man who was also very wealthy. But in a very short time he lost all of his wealth and his family. And to top it all off he caught a nasty skin infection that was very painful.
What happens when you make small things the main things? You lose sight of the big things right? When small things become the main things, the most important things become forgotten things.
When small things become the main things, the most important things become forgotten things. This is what happens when we lose sight of the love of Christ.
What do you think it will be like to be alive when Jesus returns? You’ve spent your life on this earth for however many years you’ve been alive and then boom, Jesus comes back and he’s standing at the door of your house. What do you do? How do you feel? What will that day be like?
Call on God and he will answer you. His phone never rings busy and you don’t have wait for hours for him to text you back.