It can be disturbing to hear Peter say that the end of all things is near. It causes us to think of all the terrible things we see throughout the world like, war, unspeakable evil, poverty, death, mass genocide, natural disaster, political upheaval, racial conflict, crippling addictions… the list could go on and on. Continue reading
Author: joemarino (Page 37 of 50)
I want you to look around the room of your relational community for a minute. This might be your friends and family. This might be your gospel community. This might be your church family. This might be the leadership team you serve on. And as you picture this room I want you to envision who’s in the room.
Your treasure is what you fix your eye upon and what your eye is fixed upon becomes your master. It’s been said that our bank statements say a lot about what we actually treasure. If our pursuit of earthly belongings and wealth is just a means to gaining more earthly belongings then we treasure earthly things.
What are you willing to go through personally, professionally, recreationally, financially, emotionally and relationally to be a member, leader or shepherd for the bride of Christ? Are you ready to die? Are you ready to pray and fast? Are you ready to trust Jesus?
Our Heavenly Father sees everything. He sees every thought, desire and action. He loves to answer the prayers of his children and he opposes his enemies. He is both loving and just. He blesses his children and he executes justice upon his enemies.
What are you willing to go through personally, professionally, recreationally, financially, emotionally and relationally to be a member, leader or shepherd for the bride of Christ? Are you ready to die? Are you ready to pray and fast? Are you ready to trust Jesus?
If you love money then your life will be characterized by teachings and beliefs that are heretical, untrue, unstable, contrary and in opposition to the teachings of Jesus, which produce godliness. Have you ever thought about how your thoughts, desires and behavior with money can teach things that are in opposition to the gospel?
Walking out the Christian life is like taking the dirt roads to a vacation spot instead of taking the highway. We don’t typically choose the roughest roads to travel when heading to our vacation spot. We choose the quickest and smoothest routes because we want to get there quick.
Our Father in Heaven hears our prayers. There is nothing too big, too complicated or too insignificant for our Heavenly Father. He loves to answer our prayers and requests.
Walking out the Christian life is like taking the dirt roads to a vacation spot instead of taking the highway. We don’t typically choose the roughest roads to travel when heading to our vacation spot. We choose the quickest and smoothest routes because we want to get there quick.