Author: joemarino (Page 4 of 50)

Good Friday 2024

We have gathered here tonight to solemnly celebrate the crucifixion and death of Jesus. Though I use the word “celebration” it is not a celebration in the exciting sense that we typically use the word; Good Friday is meant to be a sober celebration as we are reminded in graphic detail of the horror of the cross of Christ and the depth of our sin that placed him there. We simply come to worship at the foot of a bloody cross tonight.

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Acts 24:1 – 27 | The Aftermath

At some point, the repetition of the last few chapters of the book of Acts begins to feel well… repetitive! The apostle Paul is in the custody of his Roman captors and his enemies – the Law-Loving-Jews – keep following him around, leveling their accusations against him.

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Acts 22:1 – 29 | The Power of Love

When I read this passage, I am struck with the power of love. I am not talking about love in the biblical sense of love as an action – in the sense that we are called to love God and love people in the same way we have been loved by Christ at the cross of Calvary – I am talking about love in the sense of what we deeply love, desire, want, obsess over, or long for.

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Acts 21:1 – 16 | A Deathwish

I have always admired the Apostle Paul. The more I study the Bible – specifically the parts that record portions of Paul’s life and ministry or his letters to the churches he planted – I am consistently taken back by the unwavering determination he possessed for the calling of God on his life as a minister of the gospel. Paul literally possessed a deathwish; he literally desired to die for the One who had died for him.

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Acts 18:1 – 23 | Grit & Grace

The apostle Paul was definitely a man of grit and grace. He had the grit to endure insurmountable odds and he also had the grace to face his worst enemies with a heart that still ached for their eternal salvation. Do you ever stop and wonder where all of Paul’s grit and grace came from?

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