Category: 2 Timothy (Page 1 of 2)

2 Timothy 4:6 – 8 | Finishing Faithfully

I love a good story! Good stories keep your attention until the very end; they generally have a main character/hero, a villain or a bad guy, some supporting characters that are caught in between good and evil, an ultimate vision of freedom, the threat of doom, some kind of increasing action, the final scene where everything climaxes and dissolves, and then the credits. The text in front of us today is like the final scene in a good story, where the entire story climaxes and dissolves (next week is the credits).

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2 Timothy 2:20 – 26 | A Servant Of God

Paul’s opening words of this text – “Now in a great house…” – reminds me of the image he used to describe the church in 1 Timothy 3:15 where he says that he wants the members of the church to “know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, a pillar and buttress of the truth”. Paul’s point with the image he is painting is that the church is the great household of God and God intends to fill his home with people who live to serve him above all else.

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2 Timothy 2:8 – 13 | Enduring Until The End

In our study of this letter, we have observed the Apostle Paul instructing young Timothy to cultivate a godly legacy (1:1 – 7), to not be ashamed of the gospel but to guard the gospel (1:8 – 14), to be a faithful friend until the very end (1:15 – 18), and to continue making disciples who make other disciples (2:1 – 7). Can I just make a quick observation and say that I think everything the Apostle Paul is laying out here, is super hard?

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2 Timothy 2:1 – 7 | Making Disciples Who Make Disciples

How do you entrust the gospel to other people; how do you make disciples who make disciples? This letter we are studying is the Apostle Paul’s second letter to Timothy, but it is also the thirteenth and final letter from the Apostle Paul in the Bible. The Apostle Paul has written a total of thirteen letters among which we find the letter to the Ephesians and then two letters to young Timothy who is the pastor at Ephesus.

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