When I read this portion of the book of Acts, I cannot help but to think of the Great Commission. The Great Commission (Matt. 18:18 – 20) is basically Jesus’ final words to his disciples before he ascended back into heaven.
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When I read this portion of the book of Acts, I cannot help but to think of the Great Commission. The Great Commission (Matt. 18:18 – 20) is basically Jesus’ final words to his disciples before he ascended back into heaven.
Continue readingThe apostle Paul was definitely a man of grit and grace. He had the grit to endure insurmountable odds and he also had the grace to face his worst enemies with a heart that still ached for their eternal salvation. Do you ever stop and wonder where all of Paul’s grit and grace came from?
Continue readingAt first glance, the text in front of us could be a passage that we look at to gain some insight on how to do gospel centered evangelism. Although there are many helpful things, we can look at from this text that are important for doing evangelism, I think the thrust of the text is centered around repenting from idolatry.
Continue readingThe Apostle Paul is by far one of the most inspiring characters in the New Testament outside of Jesus himself. Through the Apostle Paul, God did what we typically think is impossible. He took a national terrorist and turned him into a worldwide evangelist; he planted upwards of thirteen or more churches throughout the middle east and modern-day Europe; and he also wrote two-thirds of the New Testament.
Continue readingTwo weeks ago, we surveyed all the events that led up to the Apostle Paul and his crew receiving the call to minister in Macedonia or modern-day Europe (15:36 – 16:10). Those events were nothing short of disorienting, discouraging, and downright brutal. Discerning and following God’s call on your life is typically a process that is not for the faint of heart (I imagine this is why so many so-called believers in the Western church cannot explain what their ministry is).
Continue readingOne of the core teachings in the Bible is that every Christian is called to do gospel ministry. The Great Commission in Matthew 28 and the teaching of Ephesians 4 regarding the responsibility of church leaders to equip church members for the work of ministry, stands in stark contrast to the idea in the Western church that church leaders do the ministry as they work for the church. The bottom line is, every Christian is called to be a minister and ministry is not easy.
Continue readingOver the last few sermons, I have been arguing for a perspective on the book of Acts that envisions God as a wartime General who will stop at nothing to advance his kingdom here on earth through the preaching of the gospel.
Continue readingBefore we dive into our text today, I want to remind us of the grand movement that has been taking place throughout the book of Acts.
Continue readingHow often do you think about the Christian life being a war? Maybe the better question to ask is how often do you live your life like you are in the middle of a war?
Continue readingOver the last few chapters, we have observed how God has advanced the gospel beyond the borders of Jerusalem into Judea and Samaria; he has literally moved his people, with the message of the gospel on their lips, into some of the most remote and unlikely places of the known world.
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