Category: Gospel Communities (Page 3 of 3)

GC Guide | Confidence In Suffering Part II

The average person consumes 4.7 hours of television a day. This doesn’t even account for social media use. The average Christian consumes less than an hour of Scripture study, biblical teaching and Christian community every day. The American vision of confidence is in shambles. The American dream that Hollywood force-feeds us every day is a sham. Where does your confidence come from?

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GC Study Guide | Confidence In Suffering Part I

Where does your confidence come from? When your parent is dying. When your friend’s marriage falls apart. When your sibling loses their job. When a child dies. When a friend suffers abuse. When your finances are in ruins. When your friend stabs you in the back. When your child rebels. When you give into that sinful pattern again. When your physical health fails again. Where does your confidence come from?

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GC Study Guide | Eviction Notice

Do you ever question your security or feel insecure or uncertain of your future? Do you ever feel afraid or anxious because you can’t predict the future of that relationship or the future of your educational dreams or the future of your financial stability or the future of your child’s walk with the Lord or your future with your current employer? None of us can predict or control what happens in the next moment.

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GC Study Guide | Peace

Whenever we hear that another shooter has killed people or another driver has driven his car into a crowd or another group of people has attacked another group of people or another marriage is falling apart or another friendship is on the rocks, we can begin to feel anxious. Anxiety is a lack of peace.

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