A lot of things have happened in the first eight chapters of Joshua that make these verses feel like a lull in the action. Looking back we remember God’s commissioning of Joshua to lead his people into the Promised Land.
Continue readingGOSPEL :: FAMILY :: MISSION
A lot of things have happened in the first eight chapters of Joshua that make these verses feel like a lull in the action. Looking back we remember God’s commissioning of Joshua to lead his people into the Promised Land.
Continue readingJoshua chapter 8 is a great comeback story. Most of us enjoy a great comeback story. The pain and agony of defeat can be absolutely demoralizing. Defeat leaves you feeling numb, broken and confused. Who in their right mind likes to live in defeat?
Continue readingLast week I asked the question “what area of your life are you seeking victory in right now?” I don’t doubt that many of you immediately thought about some relational, physical or spiritual barrier that you have been fighting with for a long time. The reality is that every one of us has major areas of struggle in our lives. It probably isn’t too hard to identify some areas of your life where you are waiting for God to show up and give you the victory.
Continue readingThe prerequisite for spiritual victory is renewed trust in and obedience to the Lord. The Lord has just done a really miraculous thing in bringing the Israelites across the flooded Jordan River. If you put yourself in the shoes of the Israelites it would make total sense to storm the gates of the city of Jericho right now since the hearts of the kings of their enemies were melting like butter under a hot knife (5:1).
Continue readingJoshua chapter four is a slightly confusing chapter at first glance. It’s confusing because of its repetition and it’s non-linier narrative fashion. The language is just sometimes confusing.
Continue reading“What do you believe is impossible?” It might be easy for some of us to proclaim that nothing is impossible with God. Greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world. So goes the common Biblical Christian thought. And it’s true to be sure.
Continue readingAll I need to do for my heart to harden, after God has spoken his word, is… nothing! These words from another author (Jackman 2014: 31) are a warning to us in the church today. The only thing that will produce a hardened heart to God’s Word is a refusal to put our faith into obedient action. But how do you do obedience?
Continue readingThere’s a question that often nags me in the back of my mind. It’s a reoccurring question that keeps popping up like those stupid little pop-up windows on my computer with those annoying little ads. It won’t go away. I can’t hide from it. I can’t minimize it. I can’t dismiss it. The question is: “How do I do this?”
Continue readingQuestion for you. What frightens you? Think about that for a minute. What are you most afraid of? What scares you to death? What frightens you so much that it paralyzes you? Take a look at Joshua 1:9…
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