Category: Luke’s Gospel (Page 1 of 4)

Luke 24:44 – 49 | Jesus Preached

I want you to imagine that you’re sitting down with someone you love dearly. Maybe it’s a friend, or a relative, or a coworker, or a spouse, or your child. Now imagine that you know that this is the very last conversation you will have with them in person on this Earth. Now ask yourself, what would I say to them? What would I regret not saying if this was the last time I ever saw them?

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Luke 24:13 – 27 | Sadness, Hope and The Gospel

There’ve been many seasons of my life where I’ve experienced devastating grief and sorrow. Many seasons where my hopes have been crushed against the rocks of unmet expectations. And in the midst of those sad and hopeless seasons, the Lord has been so kind to lift my heart and remind me that Jesus’ life, death and resurrection trumps all the false gospels that I so easily and foolishly fall into believing.

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Luke 23:26 – 31 | The Cross Of Christ

The cross of Christ is the center of the gospel message because the cross of Christ crushes our sinful desires, kills our sinful behavior and plants godly desires and abilities deep within our hearts. What sinful desires do you need to deny as you follow Christ? What sinful behavior needs to be killed in you as you follow Christ? What new desires or abilities do you see sprouting in your heart as you follow Christ?

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