Category: Luke’s Gospel (Page 3 of 4)

Luke 21:29 – 36 | Be Assured & Get Ready

In this passage Jesus is telling his disciples that they can have the assurance of his second coming and that they need to get ready for his return. Assurance and readiness are the themes of what we will study today. Just stop and ask yourself if you live with the reassurance of Christ’s return and then ask yourself what you need to do to get ready for Jesus to come back. Are you living with the assurance of Christ’s return today? Are you ready for Christ’s return today?

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Luke 21:5 – 19 | The Chaos Before The End

Before diving into preaching this text I want to set the scene a little by letting the cat out of the bag so-to-speak by explaining that over the next few weeks because of the breakdown of the text we will be focusing heavily on a theology of eschatology which is to say that we will be examining what the Bible teaches us in regards to what will happen as the end of the world and Christ’s return draws near.

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Luke 20:19-26 | Jesus Silences Opposition

Today as I speak, the political scene in the United States is like a ticking time bomb. Christians in America are becoming more & more marginalized. People in our culture live in open hostility to the gospel while they totally embrace what God says is evil. Good is called evil and evil is called good. The talking heads on our news feeds spread deceptive propaganda. Our social system is a basket case. The church throughout our country suffers from so-called Christians with lazy hearts & itching ears. The institution of the family is broken. Our culture is permeated with a victim mentality that has undermined accountability and empowered people to believe they are entitled to handouts. Self-expression is valued over self-denial. Self-esteem is desired over God-esteem. The times we live in seem dismal & scary but the truth of this passage is that… “In the midst of a hostile & deceptive world, Jesus is the answer that silences the opposition.” Continue reading

Luke 19:41 – 20:8 | Jesus’ Passion

One of my favorite television shows on T.V. is called “The Voice”. Participants on “The Voice” have the opportunity to compete for a musical recording contract with a major recording label by showcasing their vocal talent during blind auditions where they sing for the opportunity to be chosen by a coach to join that coaches team and then they proceed to the battle rounds & the knock out rounds where they compete against other participants to make it into the finals and then finally they head to the finale where 3-4 participants compete for America’s vote.

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Luke 19:28-40 | Worship The King

This passage is all about worshipping King Jesus. It’s all about how Jesus’ followers worship their king by giving their possessions to him, lifting their voices in praise of him and shattering the stony silence of the pride filled Pharisees. This passage is really an invitation for us to come and worship the King of Kings with our possessions & our voices while disrupting the silence of the dying world around us.

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Luke 19:1-10 | Little Gangster Gone Good

In the opening line of the movie Goodfellas, the narrator Ray Liota, who plays the character of Henry Hill, says, “As far back as I can remember… I always wanted to be a gangster”! Every time I hear that line I think of Henry ’s little gangster buddy named Tommy who was played by Joe Pesci who makes a perfect gangster with his short little legs, his high pitched winey voice, his arrogant swagger and his hot headed temper. In many ways I think Joe Pesci would have played the part of Zacchaeus really well. I can just see him running along on his short little legs ahead of the crowd to climb a tree to see the world famous Jesus as he entered into town. I can see him hiding in the tree from the crowd that hated his guts because of all the years of stealing money from them. I can see his surprise when Jesus stops and turns his attention on him and calls him by name. I can see the little guy nearly falling out of the tree in his excitement to meet Jesus and I can see the crowd booing because Jesus invites himself over to his house.

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