Category: Mini-Money-Talks (Page 3 of 4)

Why Do You Worry

When we depend on ourselves and when we seek to find security and sustainability in ourselves, we do it because we trust in ourselves. And as we trust in ourselves we simultaneously mistrust the all-powerful, eternal nature of our Father in Heaven.

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What we worry about reveals why we worry, which gives us the opportunity to trust in Jesus. We tend to worry about a lot of things. We worry about how much money we’ll have after we get paid. We worry about what people will think or say about us. We worry about our health. We worry about our kids. We worry about our vehicles. We worry about our homes being safe. We worry about having a place to live. We worry about how we’ll pay our bills. There are many things to worry about in this life and we all struggle with worry. What we worry about reveals why we worry which gives us the opportunity to trust in Jesus.

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Windows To The Soul

The eyes are the windows to the soul. Seeing is believing. Every time we watch a movie or see a commercial on TV or look at an advertisement on a billboard someone is trying to sell us something. Someone is trying to make us believe something. Advertisements are attempting to convince you that your current financial or material position is less than acceptable.

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Visible Things

Visible things point to invisible things. The visible behaviors of your life point to the invisible desires of your heart. The visible actions of your lifestyle point to the invisible affections of your heart. The way you spend your money, the way you manage your wealth and the way you care for your physical possessions are all like visible plants that point to invisible desires. Visible things point to invisible things.

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Your treasure is what you fix your eye upon and what your eye is fixed upon becomes your master. It’s been said that our bank statements say a lot about what we actually treasure. If our pursuit of earthly belongings and wealth is just a means to gaining more earthly belongings then we treasure earthly things.

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Opposing The Gospel

If you love money then your life will be characterized by teachings and beliefs that are heretical, untrue, unstable, contrary and in opposition to the teachings of Jesus, which produce godliness. Have you ever thought about how your thoughts, desires and behavior with money can teach things that are in opposition to the gospel?

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