How do we grow spiritually? The process of spiritual growth can be slow and agonizing because it’s all about what’s happening inside our hearts as the Spirit of God shapes and molds us into the image of Christ.
God has given spiritual gifts to every one of us and we are called to use our spiritual gifts to help others grow and to bring attention to the giver of the gifts. When we have this Biblical thinking in place then our hearts are set free to follow Jesus and die to ourselves. We are enabled to exercise our gifts with whole-hearted joy that is rooted in the smiling face of our Father because of what Christ has done at the cross. What do we learn about spiritual gifts from Ephesians 4:7 – 16?
First: Spiritual gifts have been given to every one of us. (Eph. 4:7; Rom. 12:3 – 8) Every one of us has a part to play or a role to perform or job to do in the family of God. No person who has been saved by Jesus was saved to sit on the sidelines. We were saved and simultaneously drafted into the army of God so that we could join forces together, rescue other people from behind enemy lines and then help each other to grow up spiritually.
Second: Spiritual gifts have been given to us and our enemies have been removed (Eph. 4:8 – 10) Jesus reigns as our victorious King. First he came to earth to give himself away in death and then he rose on the third day from the grave and went back to heaven as our victorious king. When kings go out to battle they descend from their throne, they go and make war in enemy territory and then they return with captives and gifts for their people. This is what Jesus has done for us. He took Satan, sin and death into captivity beating them once and for all so that we could be free from our enemies and then he gave gifts to every one of us.
How do we apply what we’ve learned to our lives? Application is a funny thing because it involves doing. Doing can easily lead to performing. We must not forget that application is all about truths we need to believe and truths we need to obey. We must also remember that application isn’t based on what you know it’s based on whom you know. We are called to know Jesus first and serve Jesus second. Our serving must flow out of our being. We must be growing spiritually to help others grow spiritually. So here are three basic ways we can apply this study:
First: Spend time with Jesus. (Hebrews 12:1 – 4) We must get into God’s Word daily, pray daily, seek silence and solitude daily and literally be in the presence of Jesus daily. We must actively remove every excuse and every hindrance and every sin that stops us from this daily nourishment. Consider and seek the presence of Jesus daily. The presence of Jesus is the only life-giving source we have. We will die without it. So spend time with Jesus.
Second: Spend time with Jesus’ people. (Hebrews 10:24 – 25) This principle isn’t talking about mere friendship groups that enjoy playing golf, or eating at Applebee’s, or watching football games, or going to movies together. These things are important. But these aren’t the kinds of gatherings we are talking about. We are talking about sitting down and opening the Bible together with other believers, sharing our struggles together, challenging each other with the truths of God’s Word and praying for each other. In these weekly spaces the gifts that God has given every member will naturally be utilized by the Spirit to grow each other spiritually. So spend time with Jesus’ people.
Third: Spend time with people Jesus wants to save. (Matt. 28:19 – 20) We cannot become an inward focused family. If we do we will become sick with selfishness because it will become all about the immediate wants and needs of our own little community. We must remember that God has designed us to be gifts to the outside world so lost people can be invited into the family of God. So spend time with people Jesus wants to save.
Observation, Application and Prayer
God has been so gracious to us. He has given every one of us spiritual gifts to help others grow spiritually. He has removed our enemies and He has drafted us into his army called the church. In this army, we grow spiritually as we spend time with Jesus and Jesus’ people and people Jesus wants to save. Are you growing spiritually? Are you clinging to enemies that Christ has removed? Are you using your gifts for the good of others and for God’s glory? What key phrases or truths caught your attention from this sermon?
- Scriptures and Observation: Read the following passages and reflect on them together. Take them one at a time and respond to the following questions: What observations does the Lord bring to your attention? What thoughts or feelings are you aware of? What do you learn about God? What do you learn about you?
Ephesians 4:7 – 16; Romans 12:3 – 8;
Hebrews 12:1 – 4; Hebrews 10:24 – 25; Matthew 28:19 – 20
- Application: How will you apply these passages and sermon to your life right now? How was this study helpful in your struggle with sin? What truths do you need to trust? What truths do you need to obey?
- Prayer: Spend some time praying for one another as a response to this study.