How do I pray? This is a question we all ask occasionally. Jesus’ disciples asked this question too.

Jesus’ answer was not to give a wooden repetition of prayer but instead he gives us the form of prayer. He doesn’t say, “pray this word for word”. He says, “pray like this”.

We begin by acknowledging God’s holiness and perfection and then we move on to asking for the presence of his Kingdom to be visible on Earth. We ask for physical and spiritual provision and protection

Spend some time praying in light of what God’s Word teaches us:

  1. Acknowledge God’s holiness, goodness, faithfulness, love, mercy, grace and loving kindness, etc.
  2. Ask God to make his presence known throughout the Earth beginning with you and moving out throughout the church into the community, state, region, and nation and across the globe.
  3. Ask God for his provision in physical, material and spiritual needs including protection from our enemies both physically and spiritually.
  4. Express your gratitude to the Lord for the many ways he is answering your prayers already.