Life is full of dangerous roads. Marriage is a dangerous road. Friendship is a dangerous road. Dating is a dangerous road. Raising children is a dangerous road. Pursuing a career is a dangerous road. Choosing a car to purchase is a dangerous road. Singleness is a dangerous road. Everything in life is chock full of dangerous roads.

It’s the same way with the Christian life. Most people think that being a Christian is suppose to be safe but the reality is, it’s not safe. It’s not safe to follow Jesus. Even C.S. Lewis in his classic Narnia novels said that God is good but he certainly isn’t safe. I think this is really the heart of what Jesus is saying to Peter and his disciples in this passage we are about to study today. Following Jesus is good and right, and in the end, the message of the Bible is that there is salvation and safety for everyone who follows Christ but following him isn’t a safe journey it’s a journey towards safety. In other words the destination is safe but the journey is full of dangerous roads.


Look at Luke 22:31 – 38…

31 “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat, 32 but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.” 33 Peter said to him, “Lord, I am ready to go with you both to prison and to death.” 34 Jesus said, “I tell you, Peter, the rooster will not crow this day, until you deny three times that you know me.” 35 And he said to them, “When I sent you out with no moneybag or knapsack or sandals, did you lack anything?” They said, “Nothing.” 36 He said to them, “But now let the one who has a moneybag take it, and likewise a knapsack. And let the one who has no sword sell his cloak and buy one. 37 For I tell you that this Scripture must be fulfilled in me: ‘And he was numbered with the transgressors.’ For what is written about me has its fulfillment.” 38 And they said, “Look, Lord, here are two swords.” And he said to them, “It is enough.”


The destination that Christ leads us to is safe but following Christ is full of dangerous roads. Think about the road of wrestling with sin and satanic attack. It’s not a safe road but it leads to safety for everyone who trusts in Christ for salvation. And what about the road of faith? It’s not safe to openly trust in God when the people around you don’t trust in God and in fact it can be downright life threatening to claim to trust in Christ when the culture around you is hostile towards God.


Think about our insatiable appetite for information contrasted with our ignorance. The pursuit of more Godly knowledge is a dangerous road to travel because we run the risk of thinking we know more than we really know. What about investing ourselves in the mission of God? Isn’t it extremely dangerous to not only serve people practically but to also proclaim the gospel to them? And what about the truth of the gospel? How dangerous is it to approach the truth of the gospel only to get it wrong or miss the point entirely? Isn’t it eternally dangerous to mess with the truth of the gospel?


These are the roads that we are going to travel down today and just like a weatherman who gives you some forewarning about dangerous weather, I want to lay out a simple map of the dangerous roads I think Jesus is paving for us today. There are 5 dangerous roads ahead of us today. There’s the dangerous road of Satanic attack; The dangerous road of failing faith; the dangerous road of ignorant pride; the dangerous road of missional engagement; and finally the dangerous road of gospel truth.


As we navigate these dangerous roads I want to propose a question that I pray will help you to see not only the forewarning of Christ in this text but also the assurance you can have in Christ. In other words I want you to hear the warning of Christ in regards to the dangerous roads we travel but I also want you to find rest in the assurance of who Christ is and what he says he will do. Life is full of dangerous roads but the question you have to ask is: Where are you located on these roads and where are you headed?


Road #1 Is The Dangerous Road of Satanic Attack… (31)

In our culture, satanic attack is often celebrated & glamorized through horror movies and dime store novels that seek to tap into our curiosity and grab our attention. It’s also true that while some people have an overactive imagination in regards to satanic attack, there are others who dismiss the real power of Satan. Some people adopt a “devil made me do it” mentality which is an attempt to blame someone else or remove guilt for our sin while other people cower in fear of Satanic attack because they misunderstand the power of God over Satan.


The mere mention of satanic attack, can conjure up silly “Wicked Witch of The West” images while for others, it brings up very real life experiences where satanic attacks have viciously destroyed homes, families and individual lives. But regardless of where you land on this discussion about satanic attack… I pray that you come out of this with a healthy understanding of this dangerous road while being turned towards the cross of Christ.


In verse 31 Jesus continues his conversation with his disciples around the dinner table as they celebrate what has come to be known as the last supper before Christ’s death at the cross. Jesus is headed to the cross to give himself sacrificially and willingly as a perfect and sinless payment so that the power of Satan, sin and death could be broken over us once and for all. And before Jesus heads to his death at the cross he has important things to say to his closest friends and followers.


Jesus says, “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat.” Doesn’t that sound dangerous? It should sound dangerous because it is. Jesus is addressing Peter and the rest of the disciples. These guys were the guys that had up close, intimate, daily contact and access to Jesus. How scary is it to think about the fact that these guys who were the closest to Jesus during his time here on Earth were in danger of this level of satanic attack?


Notice the language that Jesus uses to describe the level of satanic attack here. He uses Peter’s birth name “Simon” twice rather than the divine name “Peter” which was given to Simon by Jesus. I think this eludes to the frail human nature of Peter “the Rock”. The strongest dude in Jesus’ circle of disciples was in danger of satanic attack that could destroy his life. Think of this level of satanic attack like total shock and awe and mass devastation brought on by a hurricane.


When Jesus refers to Satan he says that Satan “demanded to have you”. This is just like Satan isn’t it? This is just like Satan in all of his pompous pride believing he has the final say over someone’s life and demands that God should bow down and do something for him. And it’s not like Satan is just demanding some small thing either. Satan is demanding for God to give him ownership of the disciples. He demanded possession of them.


Satan demanded possession of the very people who were walking and talking with Jesus daily. Why? Well Jesus says Satan demanded possession of his disciples so that he could “sift them like wheat.” This sifting of wheat is the picture of a farmer throwing wheat seed mixed with wheat dust up into the air so that the dust could be blown away. In other words… Satan wants to blow the disciples away like dust. The dangerous road of satanic attack is designed for Satan to possess you and own you so that he can attempt to blow your life away.


Where are you on this road of satanic attack?

Where are you on this road and where are you headed? When Satan comes to sift you like wheat… when Satan shows up demanding that he own you like a slave… when you’re sitting in front of your computer screen; when that attractive person walks by; when you’re tempted to respond in rage; when the opportunity comes to spend money on things you don’t need; when you begin thinking about throwing a pity party for yourself; when you want to gossip about others; when you feel the pressure to deny Christ with your words or your actions; when you realize that you are on this dangerous road of satanic attack regardless of whether you wanted to be or not… where do you think Jesus is at that moment and what do you think he’s doing?


Road #2 Is The Dangerous Road of Failing Faith… (32)

For the believer, the dangerous roads of satanic attack and failing faith meet at the intersection of Christ’s intercession. In other words… when satanic attack intersects with your faith that could fail… a disciple of Jesus can rest assured that this is the intersection where Christ is prayerfully interceding on your behalf. The dangerous road of failing faith is where Jesus prays for you.


Luke tells us that after Jesus outlines the treacherous road of satanic attack, he looks at Peter and he says, “but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.” Think about this for a minute. Jesus has just warned Peter and the other disciples about the satanic attack that is coming down the road. We know what’s coming because we’ve read it but Peter and the disciples don’t yet know what’s coming down the road. But Jesus knows what’s coming. Jesus sees everything that is headed your way.


Jesus knew that when satanic attack came into the lives of his disciples they would be in danger of failing in their faith. Think about it… when does your faith seem to fail the most? Don’t you struggle the most to trust God in your deepest and darkest moments of satanic onslaught? When you struggle with that old sin? When you lose your mind? When the train falls off the tracks? When things don’t go the way they should? When someone sins against you? When your loved one turns away from Christ? Aren’t these some of the most dangerous curves on the roads we travel? Rest assured… Jesus sees everything that is headed your way.


Jesus’ prayer for Peter is that his faith would not fail and that as his faith stood the test of time the other disciples would be encouraged by it. A simple reading of the rest of Luke’s Gospel and the book of Acts will remind you of how Peter made his mistakes but by the grace and power of God he was restored to strengthen his brothers in some very powerful ways. Jesus sees everything that is headed your way but he also knows where you’re headed.


This is the hope that you and I have as we travel these dangerous roads. Jesus is our hope. He is the author and the perfector of our faith. So it is in Him and Him alone that we find true hope. Your strength will not keep your faith from failing. Your knowledge will not keep your faith from failing. Your accomplishments will not keep your faith from failing. Only Jesus, interceding at the intersection of satanic attack and failing faith will keep your faith from failing.


But don’t we often do just the opposite? When satanic attack comes and when we are in danger of our faith failing… don’t we often turn back to trusting in our own strength? This is the dangerous road of ignorant pride.


Road #3 Is The Dangerous Road of Ignorant Pride… (33-34)

It’s so easy for us to fall into the false belief that we got this all handled. It’s so easy to believe that what Jesus warns against in the Scriptures will never happen to us. It’s so easy to believe that we know more than Jesus knows. I call this ignorant pride and that’s exactly the road that Peter turns onto after Jesus warns him about the upcoming satanic attack and assures him of his commitment to praying for him.


Luke tells us, that, “Peter said to him, ‘Lord, I am ready to go with you both to prison and to death.’ Jesus said, ‘I tell you, Peter, the rooster will not crow this day, until you deny three times that you know me.’” Talk about ignorant pride right? The king of the universe who was about to give his life freely to save Peter from the penalty, the power and the presence of sin has just warned Peter about the impending doom of satanic attack and, He’s given his assurance that Satan would not and in fact could not own Peter like a slave and Peter’s response is… Don’t worry Jesus… I got this bro!! Ignorant pride will always leave you broke down on the side of the road.


Jesus knew that Peter would deny him three times in just a few hours and he knew that Peter would ignore his warnings. Jesus knew where Peter was at on the dangerous road of ignorant pride even though Peter thought he knew more than Jesus did.


Where are you at on this road of ignorant pride?

The soul-revealing thing about this story is that Jesus knows right where you are on this dangerous road. Do you think you’re a-ok? Do you stand back and think that you could never commit a sin like Peter or maybe someone across the room right now? Do you hear the warnings in Scripture in regards to sin and effectively plug your ears thinking you’ll get through it just fine? Do you find shrewd ways of dismissing your sin or downplaying your sin or blaming your sin or explaining away your sin? The dangerous road of ignorant pride will always leave you broken down on the side of the road.


Road #4 Is The Dangerous Road of Missional Engagement… (35-36)

It’s hard to engage the mission of God when you’re broken down on the side of the road. One major aspect of following Jesus is being engaged in God’s mission. And being engaged in God’s mission brings a tension between being both a consumer and a contributor. It’s the tension of being someone who is needy and being someone who has something to give. This is the tension of missional engagement.


Missional engagement embraces the truth that God not only chose you as a target for his saving love but he also chose you as a partner in his grand scheme of drawing sinners to himself for salvation through the proclamation of the gospel. We are, in a very real sense, consumers, who are in great need of God to save us and produce change in us. And in another very real sense we are contributors with something to give away whom God has called to the hard work of gospel ministry. And this missional engagement from both ends of the spectrum of consumerism/need and contribution/gifts to give is a dangerous road to travel.


Jesus describes this dangerous road of missional engagement when he says, “‘When I sent you out with no moneybag or knapsack or sandals, did you lack anything?’ They said, ‘Nothing’. He said to them, ‘But now let the one who has a moneybag take it, and likewise a knapsack. And let the one who has no sword sell his cloak and buy one.’” Jesus is drawing his disciples attention to an earlier time when he sent them out two-by-two with only the clothes on their backs to preach the gospel while depending on their Father in Heaven to provide for their needs through the generosity of the people they ministered to.


But now Jesus is saying that he is getting ready to send them again and this time it will be different. They will need to fend for themselves. They will face life-threatening circumstances. They will constantly be on the run from people who are hostile to the gospel. They need to be prepared because the road ahead is going to be dangerous. We now know that every disciple who heard these words died horribly. Peter, who earlier promised to die with Jesus, does end up dying, crucified, upside down.


Where are you at on this dangerous road of missional engagement?

As you engage your coworkers here in our city are you preparing your heart to share the gospel with them? What about the hostile family member or the long time friend who is falling into sin again? Are you prepared to share your story of how Jesus has saved you with them? Or are you stuck on the side of the road too consumed with your own needs and problems? Are you too afraid to share the hope of Christ with others around you?


The road of missional engagement is dangerous and its full of potholes but if you cling to the truth of the gospel then it’s as though you travel down this dangerous road in an armored tank ready to do battle with whatever comes your way.


Road #5 Is The Dangerous Road of Gospel Truth… (37-38)

All throughout Luke’s gospel we have been confronted with the truth that a lot of people who should have known the truth were deceived. The religious guys that should have been the heroes wound up being Jesus’ biggest enemies. And the guys that were closest to him struggled to grasp the enduring truth of the gospel. The road of gospel truth is dangerous for all of us because we run the risk of missing the point of the gospel entirely.

Jesus says, “‘For I tell you that this Scripture must be fulfilled in me: ‘And he was numbered with the transgressors.’ For what is written about me has its fulfillment.’ And they said, ‘Look, Lord, here are two swords.’ And he said to them, ‘It is enough.’” Jesus is explaining the truth of the gospel to his disciples to help them see what’s coming ahead of them on the various roads of following him and they miss the point entirely. Jesus is concerned with explaining that he is about to go to the cross on their behalf. Jesus is concerned with explaining that he will be numbered among criminals even though he’s innocent. Jesus is concerned with explaining that all of biblical prophecy in regards to the Messiah will be fulfilled in him. But the disciples missed the point of the truth of the gospel.


All the disciples can hear him say is “go buy a sword”. Jesus lays out the danger of following him on his life-giving mission to the cross and he tells them to go buy swords not so that they would literally go buy some swords but so that they could see what life threatening danger was up ahead and so that they could prepare themselves in the message of the cross. And all these guys could think was, “hey Jesus said we get to go buy swords”. They completely missed the point that Jesus is about to die willingly and sacrificially on behalf of all of his enemies who would come to him by faith in the gospel. They missed the point of the truth of the gospel entirely.


Where are you at on this road of gospel truth?

This point… that the disciples missed the truth of the gospel in these moments gets proven just a few verses later when Peter slices off the ear of a guard who is arresting Jesus before he is crucified. And when Peter lashes out, apparently thinking that this was why Jesus said go get a sword, Jesus rebukes Peter again and then miraculously heals the guard’s ear.


The only bloodshed that has its place in the gospel of Jesus is the blood that was shed by Christ at the cross and the blood that is shed by those who’ve been martyred for their belief in Christ. Do you see how easy it is to miss the point of the gospel? Can you see how easy it is to be misled? The road of gospel truth is a dangerous road to travel because we run the risk of missing the point entirely when the point of the message is Christ all along.


Have you heard the message of the gospel? Have you heard that God created you to glorify him? Have you heard that because of our sin we are separated from God? Have you heard that Christ came and died horribly on the cross for you and I? Have you heard that the tomb he was buried in is empty to this day? Have you heard that if you recognize these things and trust in Christ for forgiveness and call upon him for salvation then you can be saved from the penalty, the presence and the power of sin? Don’t miss that message. Don’t reject that message. Don’t miss the point of the truth of the gospel because it’s a dangerous road to travel. Where are you on this road of gospel truth?


Final Thoughts…

My prayer throughout this message, has been that you would see, not only the forewarning of Christ in this text, but also the assurance you can have in Christ. We will face dangerous roads. We will face satanic attack. We will face the threat of our faith failing. We will struggle with ignorance and pride. We will face suffering as we engage the mission of God. We will miss the point of the gospel sometimes.


But Jesus is faithful. Jesus has forewarned us and if you have the Spirit of God, he will warn you and reassure you and he is praying for you and he went to the cross for you. The cross of Christ… the most dangerous road anyone has ever traveled. Life is full of dangerous roads. Where are you located on these roads and where are you headed?