Author: joemarino (Page 13 of 50)

Matthew 1:1 – 17 | The Family Tree

Have you experienced the tension of the family tree at Christmas? One of the things I both love and hate about the Christmas season is the gift of family! Please catch my drift, it’s not that I hate family at all; it’s that I hate some of the drama and the disfunction and the negative emotions and experiences that come with being part of a family.

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Ezra 4:1 – 5 | The Enemy

Adversity, opposition, and conflict are central to the Christian faith. From the moment we become a Christian, until the moment we stand in front of our Father in Heaven, we are immersed in a centuries-old war between the Adversary (Satan) and God, as our Heavenly Father labors to build his kingdom amidst enemy-occupied territory (Matt. 16:18).2

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Theology of Giving | Part III

This week is our fourth and final installment of our theology of giving series. In week one we examined Malachi 3:6 – 12 and we surveyed the character contrast between God and his people; God is consistently faithful while his people are consistently unfaithful. The problem we saw in week one is that God’s people were robbing him of the tithe he commanded them to give therefore God was calling them to repent and obey so that the watching world would see how blessed God’s people were.

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Theology of Giving | Part II

I often hear people say that the New Testament does not talk about tithing or that Jesus never spoke about tithing. Typically, these kinds of uninformed statements are the lame attempt of someone trying to justify their belief that God doesn’t expect us to tithe because in their view, the Law from the Old Testament is null and void.

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Theology of Giving | Part I

There are many acceptable reasons to preach on giving: to see giving increase; to help people understand what the Bible says about giving; to provide biblical instruction on stewardship or money management. There is nothing wrong with these goals. But these goals are secondary to the goal I have in mind.

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Psalm 30 | We Praise God

When I read Psalm 30, I get the picture of someone singing a praise song to God for his deliverance, his compassion, his help, and his restoration. I get the sense that David knew deep down in his bones that he did not deserve to have God deliver him and restore him so compassionately or so helpfully. Nevertheless, this is what God does. God is in the business of taking really messy and really broken people and restoring their lives as he delivers them from their self-inflicted graves.

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