Author: joemarino (Page 27 of 50)

Ephesians 4:7 – 16 | Spiritual Growth Part II

It is interesting to think about how our appetite affects our growth. If we have no appetite whatsoever then we shrivel up and die. If we have an appetite that is out of control then we eat everything in sight and blow up like blimps and might eventually die from gross health issues. But if we watch our diet and feed ourselves on healthy things our appetite changes and we begin to hunger for more healthy food and we grow physically healthier.

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GC Study Guide | Spiritual Growth Part II

G.I.G.O. is an acronym that means garbage in garbage out. What you put into yourself comes out. What you fill your brain, your soul and your heart with, will eventually come out in the way you live your life. When you put garbage into yourself then your life will be full of garbage. When you put healthy things into yourself then you will have a healthy life.

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Where God Dwells

Building a church is costly. It takes resources to build anything. You can’t build much for free. There will always be an element of personal sacrifice and costliness when you attempt to build something. And there is a price tag for building a community where the presence of God dwells. It was the same in Moses’ day too.

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Ephesians 4:7 – 16 | Spiritual Growth Part I

Spiritual growth is slow and it can be super agonizing. Sometimes, spiritual growth feels like I’m stumbling around in the dark trying to find the light switch so I can see where I’m going. Spiritual growth is similar to any other discipline in that most of it happens in the mundane, behind the scenes, along the roadside, in the nearly invisible places of life.

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God’s Good Gift

What enables you to worship God through the giving of your time, talent and treasure with true joy? Why would you joyfully give yourself away for the kingdom of God? There never seems to be enough time, talent or treasure to go around anyway. So why would you joyfully give these things away instead of keeping it to yourself?

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Ephesians 4:1 – 6 | Called To Walk Part III

Where is your heart today? What’s the condition of your heart? Is it united in a singular focus towards Christ or is it disunited and running a different direction? Is it bound or glued together in Christ or is it divided by multiple visions of satisfied desires? Is it full of the peace of Christ or is it full of the turmoil of sin and suffering?

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