I have a short list of friends who will answer the phone regardless of what time it is. It’s reassuring and encouraging to know that I’m not alone and it’s helpful to know that someone is ready and available to listen in my times of trouble and need.

I feel the same way about God. He’s always ready when I call. He hears every prayer. He’s always eager to respond. He’s always waiting for me to come to him. What assurance! What encouragement! What a mighty God we serve!

Spend some time praying in light of what God’s Word teaches us:

  1. Spend some time recalling ways the Lord has answered prayer recently.
  2. Confess some of your current needs to the Lord. (i.e. strength, courage, wisdom, healing, forgiveness, financial provision, direction, etc.)
  3. Ask the Lord to provide specific needs in your church family. (i.e. open hearts, repentance, boldness in sharing the gospel, unity, etc.)