In Ephesians 3:16 – 17 Paul prays that the Holy Spirit would strengthen us so that Christ may dwell in our hearts through faith as our hearts are rooted and grounded in the love of Christ.

What does it mean to be grounded in the love of Christ? What does that look like when you have a bad day or when something terrible happens or when your desires aren’t met or when you mess up again?

#1: If you are grounded in the love of Christ, you will build your life on the love of Christ

In Luke 6:46 – 49 Jesus describes a contrast between a foolish person who builds his life on sand and a wise person who builds his life on the rock. It’s a simple story that communicates a timeless truth. The building of your life must be grounded or founded or established or built on something solid to weather the storms that come your way.

The proof that your life is grounded on the rock of Christ is that you live in obedience to the Words of Christ. The words of Christ (the entire Bible) can be summed up in one word. Love. Christ said that all the commands of God hang like a coat on a hook and the name of that coat hook is love. We are called to love God and love our enemies the same way he has loved us. Any other definition of love will lead to building your life on the faulty foundation of your own desires.

#2: If you are grounded in the love of Christ, you will praise him for who he is and for what he has done…

In Psalm 103:1 – 13, David says that God is holy and righteous and just. He is the essence of perfect, permanent, unconditional and unfailing love. If you have trusted in Christ as your Savior, he has forgiven every sin you have committed or ever will commit. He has healed you from the effects of your sin. He has pulled you out of the pit of your sin. He has removed your filthy sin-stained clothing. He has crowned you with his perfect love and mercy. He has given you what you do not deserve. He has withheld what you do deserve.

He is the satisfaction of every desire you have. Loneliness, security, success, strength and acceptance are all satisfied in the presence of Christ. He has spoken his word to you. He has placed his anger for your sin on the shoulders of Christ at the cross. He is kind towards you in the work of the cross. His presence in the room with you is like a loving, compassionate and gentle father.

God has completely removed every sin that would separate you from him. Your failure yesterday doesn’t change your standing before God. Your sin today doesn’t change his disposition towards you. Your sin tomorrow will not catch him by surprise.

#3: If you are grounded in the love of Christ, you will be secure in his presence…

In John 17:20 – 26 Jesus prays that you would be secure in his presence. He prayed this prayer for every believer that his Father would give to him. And the essence of his prayer is that every believer that the Father gives to Christ would be grounded securely in the love of God. United in the never-ending love of God. Tied together irrevocably in God through the unconditional love of Christ.

There is nothing in all of creation that can separate you from the love of Christ if you have trusted in him. If the Father has given you to Christ then you will not be lost. You will stumble and fall. You will struggle in sin. You will suffer. But if you are united to Christ then you are securely woven into his death and resurrection. There is total security in the love of Christ.

Application Questions and Prayer

  1. Share some phrases, principles or truths that caught your attention in this study.
  2. Describe some areas of unbelief/sin that this study revealed in you.
  3. Discuss what your rhythms of prayer and praise have looked like lately. Why do they look that way? How have those rhythms affected your life?
  4. Spend some time praying for each other in response to this study.